Saturday, January 18, 2014

Pablo you are missed.........

So it seems I never write in this blog anymore but it is probably due to the fact that it is 2am and I can not sleep and my eyes are swollen and I can't wake my equally upset wife up to just be sad again for the 100th time today.
Admittedly I had a shitty day, came home feeling sorry for myself about something that happened and well was home earlier than I thought and upset and chatting with a close friend on the phone about "wah me" and suddenly my healthy, strong, wonderfully giant cow print cat Pablo started to pant and shallow breathe. I tried to move him  to help him breathe better but his legs were paralyzed, his gums were turning bluish so I wrapped him in a blanket and rushed him to the vet. As soon as we arrived they grabbed him and put him on oxygen, it was not helping and his tongue was turning purple and they took x rays and said there was fluid in his lungs and he had a thrombus blood clot and the best thing to do was to euthanize him, after shock, hysteria and a few calls I stood there saying goodbye to a great guy that I had since a kitten for the last 11 years. He moved with me five times, always taking it in stride, from house to NYC apt (a couple) then finally back to a house. He could fetch, was a constant talker and every night slept in bed with me (and the last couple years us). I learned to maneuver my legs , which he slept between so I could turn without disturbing this 28 pound gentle giant. Everyone that met him made comments--" That's a big cat", "I love him, I want to steal him", "Is that a dog?". He always introduced himself , chatted away, ruled our roost and he is missed greatly.
Today was shitty and oddly enough earlier in the day I was interviewed about something and then started chatting about my mom and became upset (she passed away two and a half years ago) and well I couldn't shake it and ended up home much sooner than I had planned. Thankfully I was home and Pablo and I could spend his final moments together.
I think each death in life kind of runs together into this well of confusion and strength. I think it sucks, I don't get it, especially like this, healthy one minute gone the next. Or in the case of both my parents two different illnesses both passed early by today's standards. I have to believe they are with me giving me strength. I have heard people say, "well it is selfish to be sad and you are lucky to have had this person/pet in your life" and you feel funny not moving on faster but the truth is you do move on, you get dressed have the happy times, the sad ones, the in betweens and you still miss them. I mean I remember listening to"Dust in the wind" and agreeing and getting that connection of life and death and the circle and energy and yeah yeah yeah but in the end isn't that too a way of getting by the fact that it just sucks. I hear my mom, in my head saying, that is not a nice way to say it but she too would have agreed. I guess the trick is just to live this life trying to stay in that zone of your strongest best self and feeling the feelings and still doing the good work and well hope the good times out way the bad ones and to keep taking more steps forward than back. Thanks for reading.... this was a ramble.....bottom line is give extra hugs to the ones you love.....with and without fur.
xo, Vicki

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So Equality? huh? well I always felt equal.

So this week in our United States of America our Supreme court is hearing two cases on whether I am equal...well they are not "me" ....but they effect me....they are the prop 8 case in California and DOMA which to me is the worst one. It involves the word Defense and well we gays are not attacking anything we want equal rights to marry the one we love so.... I digress.
I am writing because I read the polls that say the views of are nation have shifted, hear the arguments presented in court, but those comments on some of these articles are as backwards as you can get. I grew up not feeling less than, incapable, or hindered in any way. I grew up thinking I was a ninja who could do anything and do it with dignity and hard work and sometimes stains on my shirt, but I am working on that part (nah always be a character flaw).True I did not realize I was gay till my thirties, though kind of knew I was different when all the girls liked the popular boys and I wanted to emulate them not date them. After coming out fully, I have had  moments of nausea wondering, "will I lose clients?" "friends?", "family?". Some friends did go away but really didn't fit anyway and client wise, my business has grown because so has my confidence.....and family well they all showed up for us at our wedding, so good there. I realize I am luckier than many and I am thankful for it. For a long time I felt guilty that I did not pay a bigger price...I guess not being truly happy for years was one but I am thankful to all the people who have gone before and stood up before the tides were changing, before the acceptance rate was growing. Who came out when doing so meant being ostracized, fired, disowned or worse.
These cases are about whether gay people are equal, not whether we feel less than it is about our country and whether we are going to be told the country I love, live, work , was born and grew up in looks at me as less than. To hear supreme court judges compare homosexuality to murder says everything about them and nothing about me. I believe in my love, my marriage, my country, and it gives me pride to see all the equal facebook signs and the outward support and love for each other. This is not a moment that makes me question whether I am "less than", it is a time I question if you think so, "are you?". thanks for reading, xo, Vicki

Sunday, December 30, 2012

So I am giving myself permission to feel funny again.....

it is a weird thing in life to say but it is truly how I feel. I know my inner monologue like "I look sexy" or "am hilarious" usually those feelings exude on the outside if I believe them on the inside. For the last year and a half funny was something I did not let myself have. I performed stand up for the first time on February 28th, 2007 and I loved it. The second time I did it, I bombed but still loved it and the whole time I thought..."this is bombing and I am still alive".
I never dreamed of being Eddie Murphy or Ellen but I did love the idea that people got my point of view and could laugh with me and that was it, after a few years I realized the magic part if I had fun, the audience had fun and that transcended to all of  life , my inner monologue being the outer one.
Stand up really helped me find my true voice my personal feelings, thoughts, opinions, and helped to turn some of my most tragic moments in life into something wonderful..laughter....I mean how magical is that? Pretty f'ning amazing, if you ask me.
Almost three years ago, a car drove through my mom's living room while I sat with her on the couch watching "Damages" on the dvr. We were both physically fine but her stress level flew into overdrive and anything that may have been part of her aging timeline became her own personal life cliff notes. First they thought she had "post traumatic stress" and I took her to speech therapy, therapy therapy, a neuropathologist, etc. Then there were several MRI, and cat scans and after a year of trying to find out why my other wise highly intelligent mother who read a book a week was now putting underpants in her jacket pockets and wearing ten scarves at a time. I was just trying to know what to do for her.

I have an older brother who is an accountant, married with three sons and was not my mom's legal choice to make her decisions. I was, I tried to be on her side and rationalize what was happening and to be honest, on my own personal whiny side, before the car drove through I finally came out of the closet and admitted being gay so....well the whole panties in her pocket were just another detail in the already "what the f* is happening?" part of life.
Oh right the point of this. My mom moved in with my brother's family for a year and for that year they were amazing and I tried to make the best decisions I could and she got worse and finally in March of 2011 a doctor said your mom has "aggressive advanced Alzheimers" and those words seemed to say...just like when they said in 1996 about my dad "fourth stage glioblastoma" ...FINAL. They sounded final and all of the excuse making of why my mom suddenly only will eat pancakes and wanted to meet my girlfriend at the time (now wife) at 3am only wearing a sweater seem more real. Real being honest...honest that this was serious and at her stage things were only going to get worse. They did fast and by September she passed away and everyday I miss her and the idea of doing stand up seemed ridiculous. It is funny in the last year and half of my life I have felt the happiest and the saddest. My first best friend, my mom, past away from something that was hard to understand and hard to fight and manage. I also married my new best friend my partner in life and I missed my mom most on our wedding day knowing she wouldn't want to miss it for the world. It is the way life works I guess, I get just took me a bit to want to make people laugh again. Because it took me a bit to laugh again. I feel ready lately though because I believe in the power of laughter and well I got the funny in me. So with this new year...I am performing more and having fun also getting back to my skinny jeans----turns out even when I am happy I like butter!!
Happy New Year everyone and thanks for reading!!! xo Vicki

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Enough're going to catch fleas.....

so if you made your way to my blog you probably know I am a super hero....well at least like to feel I am as strong as anyone else and that I truly believe that good will always prevail. You will also know I am gay, married, happy and have been through the ups and downs of life , just like everyone else.
These past few months I learned a lot about myself and this world we live in. I never realized how much hate was flying around ready to pounce if a portal was opened. Like living with a group mentality of well that guy is offensive, racist, homophobic, sexist and got away with it well maybe this will fly. It is sad and there are ten days left till our next President of the United States is elected and I see it as clear as day....will the porthole of hate be large enough to let the wrong guy win?
I cry sometimes thinking about it, not my unwavering view that the good guy Barack Obama will be re-elected but more upset of the ugly faces I have seen during this time.
I grew up knowing I was different and never really felt like I fit in but doing the right thing, the compassionate thing, was clear. I didn't understand I was gay till late in life and when I came out , I let out the secret I may be a minority and I may be different a bit but I love and I contribute and after I saw this clear, obvious part of me everything looked even more crystal clear. I know I ramble and my grammar is far from perfect however my words, my words are true.
I truly thought "oh goody" the Republican party realized this election was going to be a loss so they were only going to sacrifice their most obvious ridiculous candidate and wait for four more years to offer up someone of some merit. I mean the guy who tied his dog to the roof of his car, chased a student through his prep school pinned him down and cut his hair, the guy who got rich while k-b toys went bankrupt. I mean ridiculous. So even after that the 47% video, the non specifics, the out and out flip-flopping and blatant lying and what? I know anyone would be like...he is probably ashamed, crying, sinking in the polls. No....proof reality tv has made us dumb, he is neck and neck and even worse, people I know, people I went to public school with are supporting him. Granted you will say Vicki, you and your vagina are biased, I mean who cares about women's rights? your gay rights? The economy! The economy! Well if a guy says "let Detroit go bankrupt", ships jobs to China he is clearly even after all the other crap still saying he is the worst possible choice. is so frustrating. I believe Obama will win re-election and I am sure Mittens will disappear but I saw it..I saw the hate, the sexism, the homophobia, the racism. I feel even more fueled to live a life of truth with dignity and honor. I urge you all to do the same because if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything...CLEARLY...MITTENS...STOP IT Already! thanks for reading and please vote!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I admit my shortcomings.....not the whole cake! (important)

...maybe you can relate or not but you know when you start a diet or make some good changes in your life and you feel pretty great and your fat pants start to get very loose and even your skin feels healthy and you feel good...hell great and there is this confidence that grows that makes you think...I can take home the rest of that cake from a party because I rock and I know portion control now and look how hot I am and then after a shitty day or a bill comes you forgot you still owe..... you find yourself waking up with crumbs on your pj's and swollen fingers...yeah that may have happened.
I kind of woke up finding Mitt Romney in the poll lead.........and he kind of looks like my fat pants.
I admit it, I became actively political for the first time this year. Started volunteering for Obama's campaign, donating, hell we even had a bake sale and then I started to get a little over confident like...yeah the country gets the blatant difference and of course wants the right guy to win...yeah...I'll take the cake home. But getting up again, finding that voice that you worry may ruffle some feathers of people who want to bury their heads in the sand and saying this is important! Very important!
I am not even sure this is his campaign slogan anymore but to answer his question, "Is my life better than four years ago?"
My answer, Hell Yes! You see four years ago, I was cooking, doing comedy, single, and well pretty much broke. I was so broke I had to make a last minute call and instead of renewing my lease, I called my mom to ask if I could move back home with her for the first time since my early 20's till I could get back on my feet. She thankfully let me and with shame I did that,  moved back to my brother's old bedroom and started to pay off the debt that I had accumulated and figure out my next step in life. I am grateful for that year , especially the time I got to spend with my mom. I started my catering business 11 years ago and four years ago I had the worst holiday season I had ever had, so bad I was selling crafty items I made in front of the MET. When I moved back with my mom I got a job teaching as well as my catering to make ends meet. That was my four years ago: single (well I was sleeping in my brother's old twin bed so my prospects were pretty slim), very few catering jobs and with very low budgets, working a million hours in a job I was not passionate about to get back to even.
Fast forward to today, my business is doing great, thankfully have had the best year since starting, married to the love of my life in a state that recognizes our civil liberties as equal, and we are looking to buy a home and move out of our nyc apt in the next few months. So yes my life is better...hell of a lot better. I take none of this for granted and I know that I was fortunate to have the breather that my mom afforded me for the year of my life I stayed with her. I know that , what I do is not glamourous and I work hard and Obama is not with me scrubbing floors at 2am however the economy is better for me. My confidence and ability to live an open, honest life has been changed these last four years and this last year when our President announced he supported marriage equality it meant a great deal. What some people don't get is when you grow up thinking, "I am just not a great joiner" or "I march to the beat of my own drummer", the reality is blending in is nice and being equal in your country you were born and raised in with important, very important! So that covers financial, social, oh what care? Well, when I was 22 I became legally responsible for my father who had just been diagnosed with a brain tumor and was unable to make decisions for himself...six months later he died...a year later I went bankrupt. So it is my understanding with Obama's health care program that would not have happened, my father still would have passed but I would not have been marked with ten years of destroyed credit. So, currently credit in the high 700's. Oh and I am a woman and would go toe to toe with anyone who can honestly give me reason why women should be paid less, and have less say about what happens to their own bodies....that is just ignorant...literally ignorant!
So FOUR YEARS later....MUCH BETTER, thank you! Yes I am proudly supporting the re-election of President Obama...and you should too!
Thanks for reading my very long run-on sentence.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dyke, Slut, Greece-ball....................

just say it. A few weeks ago I went to this food seminar (because I cook for a living) and there was this part on Angus beef and the woman leading it kept saying the phrase "harvesting" and I was picturing apple orchards and corn fields until it hit me she meant slaughterhouses. See how the word made it seem like a pleasant activity by calling it harvesting and how the word slaughterhouse just makes you see the blood, hear the squeals, the cries. Well...I eat beef...this is not about my vegetarian plight but really about the truth.
I am sure if you are reading this you know I ramble sometimes, have poor punctuation and I want Obama to be re-elected. More so than all of that I want the truth. I really see things in a pretty great light. I expect the ernest person to be rewarded, that everyone has kindness somewhere and if you persevere it will usually work out the best way possible, regardless if it is a completely different way than you thought but better somehow. YES, say it, I am naive...really not, hopeful.
So I was watching the Republican convention and reading everything I could and I got so upset and felt powerless....not a feeling I wear well. I guess I finally realized the words faith, Christianity, moral value have become code words for racism, homophobia and sexism.
To be honest I was christened, I believe in a higher power, sometimes I pray and on both of my parents death beds I made sure a priest blessed them because to me religion, god, faith, whatever you call it, it  is a personal thing, it's vale is what it means to you. Like having faith and perseverance can change the world. Naive , I know...can't help it.
So when the platform was to make my marriage unconstitutional because of moral value and tradition (oh I am a gay and so is my wife) I heard it loud and clear SLAUGHTERHOUSE. See I can now hear it just say it, you don't like the gays, you are homophobic, you don't like the fact that everyone is not white, just say it you're racist, you don't think women are smart enough to make the same money nor make decisions about their own bodies, you're sexist. I get it ...OWN IT! Say it, but the truth is the less we hear it, the less you say it the more you can sleep at night, the way harvesting is just picking the apples, shucking the corn. I guess , the years I spent in the closet, I never saw this, I had enough self hate that I couldn't see any outside of myself and frankly I didn't see how it effected me. TRUTH effects all of us. I am gay...I own it.  I also own the fact I feel slightly miffed when someone tells me how tough their life has been being born into so much money and opportunity and how they can never seem to gain weight no matter how much they eat..I do I don't really have a lot of empathy for them and that is probably wrong but at no point do I want to be in charge of their bodies and force mayonnaise down their neck and make their double trust fund baby marriage unconstitutional. I just want it fair......and if you won't make it fair...I will fight for it but at least make it honest so when you lay your head on your pillow at night you won't hear the turning of the corn mill but rather the squeals of the slaughterhouse to lull you to sleep.
I am fighting any way I can and feel joyful, I am writing newspapers, making phone calls and donating,   and I am working on doing more...I urge you to do the same. I will not give up my power and the more we share our truths (for the good or the bad) the more chance change will occur. See when someone gets that you see the truths of their views they can't hide...from you and more importantly from themselves.
Thanks for reading. xo, Vicki

Monday, August 20, 2012

An important open letter (please read).....

When I was 22 my dad died of a brain tumor and a year ago my mom passed away from Alzheimer's , and if either were alive today I would be writing to them, however since that is not possible I am writing here. My blog where I have shared too much some times to probably very few, but thank you for reading this, truly, because I need to be heard.
I was raised with the idea that the "world is my oyster", that I can be and do anything I want if I work hard enough and live with dignity and had character. Growing up in New Jersey, in a middle class family, raised primarily by my single mom who worked very hard to make sure we followed by her example. Her ability to persevere , have dignity and be fair made her honorable and not always likable but definitely respected. I went to Rutgers, opened a small business at 22 and bought my first home at 24. I went bankrupt after assuming responsibly for my ailing father and have had success that I never expected at times. 
I have always believed in this most important statement, " we are all created equal". Never have I felt less than, inferior, incapable ...any of it. I came out of the closet a few years ago and felt even more confident and capable because frankly honesty and truth can never be taken away, it is empowering. I married my now wife two months ago and am thankful and happy, very happy. I am writing all of this because I feel slightly unnerved for one of the very few times in my life. Constantly , especially during this election year, I am hearing how as a woman, a gay woman in particular, I am less entitled to be part of the statement " we are all created equal". I know that the parties who make harsh criticisms, make sexist and homophobic statements says much more about them than myself. It talks about their fear and fear makes people say and do very stupid things. Trust me, worst choices I ever made in my life had some sort of fear behind them. I understand the economy weighs heavily on people's decision making this election, as a small business owner I understand, but without our basic fair principles  who are we as a nation anyway? I am asking, especially if you are a parent  who wants to instill in their children that they too are capable of being and achieving anything they wish, to vote to re-elect President Obama . "Fair is fair", I knew that as a kid and thankfully still know that as an adult. I miss and appreciate my parents very much. Thank you for reading and more importantly for remembering this November that "we are all created equal".
Xo, Vicki

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking a Leap...again....

So.....leap kind of feels like a day to get started back to getting started. The whole Internet thing is funny and rarely do I write anymore and rarely do I think anyone reads it, however once in a while a friend from the past pops up who says, "just read your blog and learned a lot about you", to which I wince thinking..." much crap did I write about myself?", in my pj's while drinking too much coffee alone in my apt? Well, last night I actually read some of the crap and I think I am doing okay. I started writing this blog in 2009 basically for free therapy and it was kind of like those self indulgent carrots you give yourself to say..."see world, I am a person", kind of like those Christmas letters people send bragging about their kids or the email blasts you get saying "I am important...see look at all I have going on". But truthfully I started the blog to just remind myself I was supposed to live this life and do all the things I was afraid to do and trust it would be fine if I kept moving forward. So...I read some stuff and my life looks a bit different then three years ago... my weight well (trying to shed some more before getting married in June) , oh yeah that,in love, engaged, happy, also had some success with food, performing, etc..learned some lessons. You know the good to yourself and the world follows suit..that is always a good one and realizing that more people come to the pity party than the parade was a tough one but a good one to learn. I have seen some rough stuff in my life, was with both my parents when they took their last breathes, have had heart break, been down on my luck, etc but truth be told I still think life rocks, if you have clean water and can still see the blue are doing pretty good. So for me right now I feel blessed and thankful that I am doing pretty great. I guess I needed to remind myself of this, that I am doing great and to keep moving forward...I never dreamt three years ago I would ever be this happy so I can only imagine what three years from now has in store. Enjoy your leap day and you life, thanks for reading! xo, Vicki

Friday, February 3, 2012

Umm two Brides, no groom...yes you heard correctly..

What? It has been a while since I have written so for the few of you who read this, I got engaged on Christmas Eve! I know, it's fun and exciting and makes me want to dance most of the time. It took me a very long time to love myself, be truly loved by another and is Awesome and I don't even use that word. So, thankfully, the state of New York has some intelligent people who realize that the Constitution was meant for everyone and I am able to marry my partner, my love, legally on a state level only however, I know that the timing of it is great and as I try not to go crazy looking at the billions of wedding stuff that somehow I all of a sudden need I wonder... if teen kids are brave enough to come out of the closet, walk the walk and live true, why do we have to, on a nearly daily basis be forced to hear and see hate? (I mean doesn't the no bullying law work for adults too?)
I know the answer, I know that if you truly love yourself then you know everyone else should do the same and if you live with fear most likely you don't like someone for a reason that has nothing to do with you like ethnicity, sexuality, religion, sex, etc. Okay the point the point, cute wedding favors, no the point the real true.
If Michelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci's art moves you, or Elton John and Melissa Etheridge's music gets your toes tapping, and Ellen Degeneres, Wanda Sykes and Lily Tomlin make you laugh than why not let them love? Legally.
Before I came out of the first thought when straight women told me they were getting married..."are you retarded?, we grew up with Oprah". But then I got real, told myself the truth, told everyone else, realized the world was not going to implode, I was ten times happier, open to finding true love and I did. YAY, so then of course I was like...I WANT TO GET MARRIED TOO!!! So we are, and I know compared to so many couples past and present we are lucky however I never want to feel grateful about it, I mean isn't my right to love and have a legal binding union just as important as all those other people's straight weddings I've attended?
I listen to these Republican candidates and I cringe and I hear all the other "family values" groups up in arms about marriage equality and I think "how can this great, most exciting happy thing ...the evolution of our love be anything other than amazing?"
I have never been prouder to live my truth, do my thing, admit my faults, walk around many times with powdered sugar on my shirt and LOVE really LOVE! So back to googling clear mason jars which will fit the pretty french macaroons I want to make as favors, my insane thought for the day. Thank you for reading and sorry about the run on punctuation, as usual, is more a suggestion. Happy VALENTINE's Day!!! LIVE YOUR LIFE AND LOVE!!! IT turns out to be a great thing!xo, Vicki

Friday, October 28, 2011 I truly get the meaning

I can't believe it has been about six months since I have written here am not sure if anyone reads it however I feel the need to write. I kind of have to say this past year I have truly learned the meaning of bittersweet. The great parts, some of the greatest parts of my life I have gotten to experience this past year and the worst part too.
Let's start with the great parts I fell in love......with me, I came to the point in my life where I was honest with myself and the world of who I am, what I like, and more importantly I am going to choose happy over not, whether that means doing what is good for my mind, body or spirit, or just not having any inauthentic relationships, just being real...being me. I also fell in love amazing lady who loves me too and I have never been happier. I used to hear people say, "I can't wait to get married or I want to be in love" and I would think, "what's wrong with you?". But no, turns out, I didn't know it, hadn't had it, you get the point. I am happy and love is nice...people actually write those songs and cards for a reason...who knew? What else, I had some fun success with my cooking, which was nice. It is funny when I was a kid I set up a fake restaurant at my parents house for a night and have been cooking since and it turns out having respected people in your field tell you your food tastes great. Well it feels good, and when you have fun doing it...even better. That was another lesson I learned this year...have fun, no matter what. When you have fun everything is all just works.
So to tally it up so far...Me...happy, in-love, doing what I love and being successful, having fun and mom dies.
I don't mean it was an out of the blue thing. My mom, did two miles a day on the treadmill, ate a piece of chicken, broccoli, and a yam for dinner, drank water, took her vitamins and would tell me, starting two years ago, "I don't think I am going to live very long". To which I would respond, "are you kidding me, you are in better shape than both of your children?" Long story short, a car drove through her living room a year and a half ago, she was not hit but traumatized, her high stress levels made even higher and she started to deteriorate, then this past February after a few doctors, tests, etc..found out she had advanced progressive Alzheimer's. I didn't want to believe it, I still don't fully. I never wanted to stop believing in her, and selfishly, I was happy and I wanted her to see it play out and be there for my success, love, future, etc. My mom, Irene passed away on September 29th. It was the worst thing ever. The week before she stopped being able to swallow, and aspirated (her lungs filled with fluid). My mom never liked hospitals, doctors, she was scared and even when I was a kid I would stay with her, in the hospital, go with her for tests, etc. I prayed that I would be able to be with her if something happened and I was. I put off everything, making arrangements, saying goodbyes, until the week before, literally the night before she aspirated, I arranged her funeral, plot, etc. It was like she waited for me to get there, on some emotional level. I drove to see her Saturday and then stayed till she passed Thursday morning. We had the kind of relationship like a Time Life book series, like "daughter in Ohio burns her hand and then mother in Atlanta gets stung by bee on same hand." I felt her pain and she mine and on Wednesday night when my heart was racing and I was inconsolably sobbing, and thought I would pass out as she lay there dying, and then a hospice nurse told me to pray, pray that my mom would have a safe passing to heaven and to rest. I laid down and prayed and fell asleep for an hour and woke up at 3am to see the hospice nurse praying for my mom with church hymns playing on the tv. It was surreal, and I was calm, I left the room, called the nearest Greek Orthodox church (which I haven't been to since I was a kid), and the priest answered, I explained to him at 3am that I put off having a priest visit my mom in fear it would scare her and that I believe she is dying but I know she would want to be blessed before passing. He came at 4am and blessed my mom and three of us prayed for my mom (the priest, nurse and myself), her body instantly was more peaceful. Her breathing slowed a bit more. She held on till my brother got there in the morning and then passed at 10:15. One day I will write only about my mom, because she was an amazing strong lady who self sacrificed and lived with honor and dignity. I think I am not there yet. My dad died 15 yrs ago and it was different, this is different.
I am so thankful. I had a great mom who I know is still with me, I am healthy, in love, happy, and excited for what the future holds. I feel blessed and know that this is part of life. I know all of this.......but once in a while I cry though, that I want my mom to call for just five minutes, and I miss her...but thankfully I have someone who pats my puffy eyes with a damp cloth and tells me they love me. Bittersweet..........thank you for reading. xo, Vicki

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So it sucks sometimes....

I like blue skies, glitter, love, puppies and aluminum baseball bats. The last one didn't seem to fit but it does for me. I am that lady, the one who when the going gets tough, I bring a bat...I mean really tough. My mom has Alzheimer's and I guess only since words like "assisted living" and "power of attorney" became part of my daily speech did I not really accept it. I always live with the idea that our lives are our own reality and we create the good and the bad of it and each part is a lesson....but once in a great while do I just go "WTF?" and then I get a bat. The problem is this time I don't know who to swing at, the people who are understandably frustrated with helping my mom who forget that showing her dignity is important, the guy who drove through her living room last year and triggered a sh*t load of health problems for my mom, my mom who has leaned on me more than normal since I was five and has me in charge of deciding everything about what to do now.........see none of them really work and since donuts are not the best option any longer, I am writing in the middle of the night rather than waking up my girlfriend to start another inane argument about nothing..literally nothing. My girlfriend is amazing and has been there packing up my mom, calming me down....for this I am overwhelmingly grateful, usually it is just me and the bat. The point angry......I guess that isn't it, it is more I just miss my mom. I know I am lucky, I have my health, love, still have a mom and I am in my late thirties, but I miss her. My mom was never the bake cookies type, the hugging type, the emotional gooey type and if you asked her to make you a Halloween costume, well she would have bought you a great one. However my mom was the the only one in my life who cared I had a roof over my head, showed me by example, what honor and dignity were and ingrained in me the fact that"the world is my oyster and I can do anything I want to"...even if she may have forgotten that for herself. But as an adult I know she didn't forget that, she self sacrificed, my dad was an abusive, non working alcoholic and my mom's outer shell may not have been soft.. it was dependable and a safe harbor for me even when I carried a bat.
Okay enough about the bat, the point......sometimes it sucks and I can shed a tear, maybe eat half a french crueler, allow myself a minute to get quiet and listen to myself and then swing. Swing so hard because that is what my mom would have done for me, and right now her defenses are down, her fear is high and I feel like the only person she really trusts. Life is funny, it took me a very long time to fully live my truth, really fall in love with me and then another, and almost at the same time my mom's health started to fail her. I guess it is all part of the matrix and I don't need to know the why or the whatever instead I will just feel blessed that I was raised by a tough, dependable, strong minded woman ....and I am my mother's daughter. Thank you for reading. xo, Vicki

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy? I'm keepin' it.....

Sometimes I have that feeling as I click in my seat belt that I am in control of it, that life is here going, “hey enjoy me, live me, don’t sweat it, you are driving.”It feels amazing. The wind is in my hair and I am coasting and anyone or thing that would sometimes cause me to slow down or catch my breathe, disappears. Life just flows.
Lately, life has been flowing, don’t get me wrong I am seeing the obvious stuff wrong, the world, family health issues, my Talbots’ charge bill, but none of that is shaking me. I am coasting, in love, with me and another (new girlfriend I heart), feeling and doing as I wish and happy. I exhale and for a second I see the speed bumps and I almost let go of the wheel and let them become bigger than my happiness but instead I choose not to let that happen. I choose to stay on course, not wear someone else’s fear, I choose happy. I think my driving analogy is because my girlfriend finally convinced me to use the West side Hwy, a fast route around the city that I avoided since living on the west side for no logical reason, turns out it saves a ton of time and I avoid all my internal road rage of going up Tenth Ave, I digress.
Choosing happy, I like it. It fits, I want it for a while, possibly for forever. Such a simple thing right? to see the blue in the sky instead of the bird crap that just landed on your freshly dry cleaned sweater, to trust that what you feel is the way it is and any fears you have are just rumbles from the past that interrupt you as you are trying to dream and live and probably someone else’s fear to start with, like your parent who drilled in you “dream big but just don’t ever leave me” and then finally at 37 you do. Happy? I have visited many, many times in my life and probably seemed like I was a permanent resident before with my rainbow jumper and my shiny mary janes but those were just the sparkling accessories that shouted “see I belong here, I am filled with so much joy my clothes are even vomiting it every where. “ Well turns out even girls with shiny shoes can feel shitty and numb. Not me, not this time, I feel thankful and happy. I am not even letting myself think my old stuff like, “life is feeling great now probably get hit by a bus” or waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am daring it, I am admitting it out loud......I am happy! So why write about it in the middle of the night? Just a few of life’s rumbles woke me up out of a sound sleep and I tried my old approach of, “well why is this popping up in your life, what does it mean?” BS way of thinking which is a sure fire way to curtail my smile. Instead I am just doing that....letting BS be BS and joy be joy and as I breathe in and out I realize I do my work. I drink the water (mostly), help the lady across the street, put on my oxygen mask first (that took years to learn), and I choose happy. Thank you for reading and be happy, enjoy spring! It is coming, I promise. xo, Vicki

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thought I built my house on steel....

so last night I worked with this very pregnant young lady who was probably 19 and we chatted, I asked the standard baby questions one asks, like "will you dress the baby in a bee costume?", sorry bee costumes make me smile. She looked nervous, I mean she is 19 and very pregnant, I mean I am 37 and when I hold an itty bitty baby all I think is "don't drop the baby." I asked if she was excited, she sheepishly said, "yeah". Then I said, "everyone is mostly scared shit less and excited a lot of the time, so no worries." She laughed and agreed that was how she felt.
I have been feeling very strong lately, lucky, thankful, alone but not lonely, and a bit like a ninja but still there is the tiny part of me that is scared shit less, like the part that feels for the crazies that come and go in my life at times. I learned the basics like do unto others, take your vitamins, drink water, save some money, pay your light bill, forgiveness, ask for help, don't allow someone to make you less than who you are, how to make awesome scones.....the basics. I know that it could always be worse, like I have clean water and if I had a baby I wouldn't have to give birth in a field and cut the umbilical cord with a sickle...perspective I think that is what they call it. I know perspective. I also know this feeling I have lately like I am built on steel and strong, fearless and focused but I also know there is that unknown part, my heart, my heart that could be as big as an apple pie and be vulnerable and melt my steel foundation. Get to the point....alright so my mom is not in the best of health lately (still unclear), recently got dumped (that part is fine, not really but will be very fine, very soon), I am essentially alone (but aren't we really all). I mean I sat on my subway ride home today looking around thinking who the strong people are if something were to's not necessarily the ones with the camouflage on or the multiple piercings, it is probably the lady who just finished working three jobs to put her kid through college or the guy who just carried the stroller up the stairs without being asked. Strength, inner strength is something I have always had (we all have it), but I have forgotten mine many times in my life. This last year I let it all fly and emptied out my closet, literally. I have made light of the toughest of situations, felt no fear when I should have been afraid, did what was best for me though I was scared, lonely and just tired (because I knew my truth clearly). A friend, I highly respect, recently told me a story about this crab guy who never covers his basket of crabs and another crabber asked if he was afraid they would escape, and the first crab guy said no, if one tries to crawl out, the other crabs just pull him back in to the pile. I guess that is my only fear really to be pulled back into the pile, my own pile of ...that's fine, or I don't want better, or I am invisible. I like that I can see the pile clearly because now when I see those crabs getting closer I just drink some water, see the fear for what it is, eat an apple, delete the text, take a breathe, and know that I am a tiny bit scared shit less but mostly standing on steel. Steel that has been building for a long time and so is that 19 year old who is keeping her baby, working two jobs, going to school and still wears a smile on her face. Hell her steel is much stronger than mine....thank you for reading! xo, Vicki
PS.. I also know and am very thankful for friends, family members and strangers who always encourage me and push me along my path for the good or the bad of it. I promise to make you proud!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

And Now The BOOTS!

I forgot to mention them last blog entry...sorry I got preoccupied with my sexual identity which I neglected to do for years...sorry the boots. They are cute three inch chunky heel brown suede boots that have nice laces and are tough in a very sexy way.So that was the boots.
It is soooo amazingly funny to me the instant I decided to stop believing my own bullshit, I couldn't stand to listen to anyone else's. Like I have a bullshit detector built into my head now and mid sentence I want to interrupt someone and be like, I hear it, you hear it....your spreading bullshit. Like that card game, you just yell it out. It is almost involuntary, I see the text, the email of someone lying to me and really just lying to themselves and I want to just cut to the chase and be like, STOP IT. Just tell the truth, be you, whether it be shitty, or good, or on your way to better. I get it, believe me I was shouting about being a super hero for a few years but forgot to be me, truly me but since I am me now and overly vulnerable, ready and willing to tell the truth no matter what, confident in my actions, and honorable in my actions I say ----NO MORE BULLSHIT!!! Believe me it never helps, you think it does because you put a pretty bow on it, or you cut your bills into snowflakes for the holidays, or you just inhaled an entire cake but feel empty inside, or you prayed to a G*d while you stepped over a body. None of it matters or gets better until you get real. Wow....that is scary. REAL is so scary. Like admitting you can't afford something (oh my what will they think), or you don't like something (they make think I am bad), or that you want something (selfish). Bullshit never looks pretty under a Christmas tree but a paid visa bill, an open heart, a sincere apology.....priceless. Love yourself and be Real. AHHH, that felt good. Have a great day and go get some cute boots, thank you for reading. xo, Vicki

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I just bought the cutest boots oh and I'm gay!

Wow, I just have to say it......I'm gay and I mean that in every possible way. Now that I fully admit it, I feel like I want a sticker, a megaphone and a billboard but instead will take my blog entry. What happened Vicki you lose some weight, do some comedy, give up on men and think you're gay? Believe me I have tried to wear that lie too but it doesn't fit. Five years ago I started a journey, sold everything I owned, broke up with a guy (I tend to refer to him on stage as a Hobbit--come on he was short and didn't have a job), and moved to NYC to find myself again. I spent a bunch of cash taking guitar lessons (Yes Tracy Chapman and the Indigo Girls), learned to blow glass, started doing stand up, and started to shed a bit of the stuff that I learned as someone who felt less valuable than others. I know, me the lady bug warrior, less valuable. You see I always believed I could do anything, be anyone, professionally, goal oriented, hard working, successful but personally, personally I decided that I should just find someone (a guy)who wasn't awful and , well it would be fine because everyone doesn't get everything, right?
This past year though has felt more like the real work, the most productive part, the most honest part. When I started this I remember telling my accountant brother five years ago that I lost my sense of happiness and wanted to find it. He was confused to say the least, with his three little kids, two mini vans and a mortgage payment my "happiness" seemed a little like a luxury even to me. Sorry, I am getting off the point, me liking ladies. I wrote this show last year called "lady bug warrior" and it was about every shitty thing in life that happened to me, abuse, relationships, etc and still showing that despite it life did not drag me down and I was still happy and strong. I did this show for a month and after it I came back to NJ (where I lived for a year to save some cash, etc) and decided I told my story but why not live it, why not really be that powerful, be that strong. So I stepped it up, no more lying to myself, no more eating to feel numb, no more letting people treat me like I felt about myself, honest with ME. I know brave right? So I did it, I shed about 60 pounds, I was bold and spoke clearly in business, life, etc. I started to feel like that girl who I was when I was 17 and tough, sort of. If you know me and have met me over the past few years you will know when I tell my story, I always talk about my art gallery, or childhood stuff, 80,000 margarita glasses I made, gourmet food success, but love I always leave that part out. Then I hear someone else tell their stories and their relationships are their time lines. I never realized that till very recently. Recently I have kind of realized everything, which is probably why I am awake in the middle of the night, these Oprah ah-ha moments, well they can hit ya at any second. No the gay thing is not the ah-ha moment, it is kind of the opposite, it's the "really you never realized it, are you serious?" moment.
As far as I can remember "girls were better",my mom was my hero, I wanted to marry my friend on the play ground, in the third grade, up until the school aid told us girls could not marry each other, (this is going to be a giant run on sentence just to warn you), I wanted to be the boy in grade school everyone liked, I even faked a lazy eye to get glasses in the fourth grade because he had glasses, I thought I had a crush on him but no I wanted to be the one that all the girls liked too, and when he asked me to be his girlfriend I was startled and told him "my mom didn't get married till she was 25 so no", I never liked boys that didn't like me first and at sleep over parties no girls brushed my hair and I felt crushed, I followed the pack and whoever everyone liked, especially my closest friend, well then I liked him too. By the time High School came around, I was a goth kid, wore all black, into art (needless to say everyone I was friends with my freshman year came out eventually) but not me, I was artistic- "I marched to the beat of my own drummer"- as my mother always proudly proclaims, I stopped being goth after my freshman year but stayed with art, and was the only girl for three years in my woods and metals class. I was hot, I felt fearless, guys would call my house and I would tell my mom to tell them "I died"--I would literally have her tell them that (sorry that is kind of funny- because she would say it, well say "my daughter told me to tell you she's dead" sorry I digress), I loved all of my short haired female art, English, and social study teachers I had and they loved me too (probably in a different way then I realize now), but they all befriended me, we did lunch, did blacksmithing internships together, they were smart, together women I respected. So, didn't I go- "I'm gay", no in High School I went to therapy to get over my father's abuse, I never drank or did drugs I never was experimental or risky. I was driven, I was the one who my mom leaned on, I was her date since the age of twelve, for work things, for whatever. I remember, my junior year of HS (still not kissed a boy- or anyone for that matter) and I was at a dance with my best friend. We would dance like crazy, I never even noticed the guys, but she hooked up with one and I was devastated, I literally could not believe she was "so morally bankrupt" or in reality she was cheating on me nothing ever ever happened with us" but to me she was "more" only I never articulated it to myself. I remember my junior year in HS I took all these nude photos of myself and would fight with my male photo teacher and he told me I hated men and was a lesbian. I thought that sounded preposterous and of course went running to my female art teacher I adored , who entered my nude photo in a Women's art contest and I won, just saying. So by my junior year, my best friend had a boyfriend, who I of course hated, and then while hanging out with a different friend, I met a guy, he was nice and I thought nothing of it. He called me and we spoke for hours he had a crazy childhood too and we bonded, I told him about my abusive alcoholic father and he told me about his mom dying and his dad leaving. I felt connected to him in a wounded way and we went out, I looked cute I had short shorts on and a wide belt and well we laughed he was funny and I didn't even think about getting physical, because it never dawned on me. I remember reading this Madonna book and being turned on, or "Some kind of wonderful", --"all I care about is me, you and , my drums", or the "legend of Billy Jean" and being like "they rock" but never did I connect it, sorry got carried away. The point by date 3 or four he tried to kiss me and I said---"you can feel me up but just don't kiss me", sorry at the time I "knew" it was because I was insecure about being inexperienced, not because (note the sarcasm) I had no desire to kiss a boy. But I fell for him and I would ask my "straight" girlfriends how to do things, and what men wanted. I mean I fell in love with him, though never sexually pleased or really like me. Right before he left for college my senior year, we decided we would lose our virginity together, the day before I felt I had to tell my best friend though we hadn't spoken in forever because well she started the whole boyfriend thing to begin with, anyway I found her shopping in the mall, I literally tracked her down. This was before cell phones...I was basically Magyver. I told her, "I had to tell you I am losing my virginity tomorrow", she said, "okay", and that was that the next day I did it twice, ate chinese food and decided I was in love with my boyfriend and sex was interesting. We stayed together I went to art school in NJ and was devastated to find out I could not afford to go the Art school at the University of SF or RISD because of money. I remember in college seeing demonstrations about "gay pride" and I remember thinking shouldn't sexuality be private, well it was for me, very private. I started to gain weight, I was in a car accident, my dad tried to kill himself, I dropped out of school, I opened an art gallery then found out my dad had a brain tumor, I became his legal guardian, went bankrupt , then my boyfriend Mike of six years cheated on me (this all happened over a few years) so questioning my sexuality, not at that time- to much life to survive. While at the gallery I met a guy named John who may have had the middle name oral sex (sorry I know dirty part alert), I was like, oh my goodness I have a clitoris, how fun is that. It was a lot of fun, I wanted to love him as much as he loved my clitoris but I couldn't because well he was a guy. During that time I remember three women who would woo me and bring me gifts and ask me when I came out? and I was always like, came out of what? I was clueless, I was an entrepreneur, I had a boyfriend who wanted to marry me that I knew for a fact that I never wanted to marry which would always tend to throw a wrench in our bliss. I sold a bunch of art I made, closed the gallery, bought a little house and moved to a cute lake in Sparta, NJ. I lived there for a year or two and then met a little guy named Eben who was odd and artistic and he liked me and I was lonely. He moved in and I found out soon he was kind of shitty but by then I was so numb that I was okay with shitty. I was about 80 pounds over weight and was with a guy who's two last girlfriends were lesbians (came out after), I know he didn't turn me gay he just didn't need to be loved like I think someone should be he was shitty and mean and would tell me I was "physically repulsive". I had lost any sense of sexuality by that point and when I sold my house and moved to NYC which was one of my two options, my other one was to move to SF to study glassblowing. I chose NYC to stay close to my family. As soon as I got here, I got a fun hair cut, and took glass blowing classes, and wore all this jewelry made out of guitar strings, I started to shed some of my weight because I started to be happy again. A million people asked if I was gay, I of course was shocked and offended and could not believe it. I made no attempt to get very close to any gay women and only hung out with my straight gal friends or gay guys. Every time someone would ask if I was gay I would call my best friend and ask why did she think people thought that about me, etc. She would tell me, you're not gay. I figured of course she knew, she was amazing. So not gay, and not putting my hands in my pockets because someone told me that was a telling sign. I was defensive about it and tried to only wear dresses. Sorry it is so silly now to think about, I like dresses, I think anyone can wear a dress but that was me proving I liked guys. Unless of course any talked to me than I would tell them "I'm dead from the neck down" or something equally as odd. Eben surprised me in NYC a year after I was here and he was shitty, it took four days to throw him out and I regressed a bit lost a bit of my power. I performed stand up more and felt heard but I couldn't really hear myself and well a couple years went by and I did the "lady bug warrior" show and lost some weight and then did the show for the last time this past March 18th and I had a revelation and it made more sense, a lot more. I realized I totally wanted one of these girls, I felt sexy and more alive than ever. I came out to this lesbian couple to ask what to do and well found out what to do, and they were helpful at first but may also be great to be hired by the conservative reprogramming system because this has been a wacky summer of one of them away and the other one trying to get in my pants and only got into my heart, I digress. the point once i said it out loud my head almost melted and daily I was like, oh my gosh, my weight started to melt off, I like to call it my "almost lesbian diet", so I am a lesbian and have already had my heart broken and have gotten over it and recently met this guy who looked good on paper and I almost started to lie to myself again saying come on than you can do the regular thing and probably be happy, but that confusion made me want pancakes. I already came out to my family, a few months ago when my summer heart break was staying at my mom's house for five weekends in a row and well it seemed honest. My mom of course said, I want you to be happy and maybe you're not sure. But that is usually her answer for everything, like deny and support, it is kind of masterful. So why the need to blog about it in the middle of the night? Well this week I came out to a lesbian couple who are basically strangers (none of which tried to sleep with me , yay for that too much drama!), and I woke up the next morning like me, the real me, the one who may have taken a winding path to get back to me but I am here and I am queer and get used to it! Sorry I smiled as I typed that, not just because it rhymed. I have no delusions that glitter will now fall from the sky and everyone will get the gay memo and be beating down my door to just bask in the glory which is me. I know I have already lost some friends because of it and know that is not over and know that me questioning me makes some people uncomfortable with the idea that anyone would question themselves. That part I am used to by "marching to my own drummer and all". I am a small business owner and may lose some clients but they were probably shitty tippers anyway. What I gain is me, and I feel lighter and brighter than I can ever remember being. Honesty is awesome and I kick butt! LADY BUG WARRIOR!!! Thank you thank you for reading. xo,

Monday, November 1, 2010

wow, five years ago.....invisible

So, Oct 30th marked the five year mark. Five years ago I lived in Northwest New Jersey on a cute lake, in a cute house, in a cute town, with a little hobbit. My dad was an alcoholic, I know who's isn't......ahhh in the middle of starting this I realize I don't want to write about it, I don't want to write about how I ended up in a shitty relationship and lost myself, then moved to NYC in the attempt to find myself, instead I want to write about how cute my new shoes are, no, they are, but no.
I teach cooking classes and the other night a guy asked me how he could gain weight quickly, he told me he already gained 30 pounds and wanted to gain another 30 pounds. He started to notice that when he gained the weight all these people who never noticed him before started to notice him. I said, "DONUTS!! no, I get it I lost almost 60 pounds and I started to notice people noticing me, etc, and recently I kind of fell off the wagon slightly but am getting back on, and realized it is not the size, it is the feeling. When you point your attention to yourself and treat yourself as an important valuable person who deserve respect well then the world notices too and follows suit. Like, hey world, I love me so you should love me." As I shared this five people turned around and agreed in unison, it was kind of amazing. I love when we share things with people but really also need to share them with yourself. Five years ago I started a journey to get back to myself and I thought it was something I could find on the outside like a new pair of shoes, I still love shoes, but really everything we need is already there on the inside of us, you can change cities, lovers, hairstyles, but the truth is we are the magic makers and the captains of our fate. I smile as I write this, I may forget that once in a while but I do notice as time goes by the amount of time I forget it gets shorter like my breaks from my true self become less and less and so in turn the amount of love I give to myself gets more and more. Ahh, sometimes I'm smart......though my punctuation may not reflect it. A brief message to the Vicki from five years ago that I still remind myself of today, "relationships in life should make you want to be your best self not make you feel like your worst version of yourself. Life is about reflection, if you love yourself you may see the people standing in front of you change faces and probably become cuter." and Ps to Vicki five years ago...."you're hot". That's it, thank you for reading! xo, Vicki

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thank you Baby Jesus.....

I mean it, I love the whole Jesus story, not sure fact or fiction sometimes, but I love the: love one another, and the biggest one FORGIVENESS!!! I avoided watching the Passion of Christ and then one day woke up in the middle of the night and turned on the telly and there it was. It was gruesome and graphic and at the end (spoiler alert) when he said "I forgive you", I thought "Jesus you're killing me, really you forgive them?", but he did. If anyone one is reading this and religion forces some sort of gag reflex don't worry the rest of this entry is about good hair, drama and new shoes, oddly enough I am sure someone's religion.
I am basic as far as personal relationships, I grew up in crazy town, an abusive alcoholic father, a mother in denial and all this drama. My brother and I banded together, protected each other and turned out fairly healthy, happy, etc (don't just believe me--believe my High School therapist). The point, so we both realized we didn't choose this drama, create it, etc..... we just had to survive it and thrive. Wanting to break that cycle I have done the work, recognized the bad stuff etc and try to avoid it because frankly life will hand you a shit load of stuff you can't control like illness of loved ones, accidents, and anything that comes your way that was truly unexpected and not prepared for. I like my craziness to come from my success and dreams, like achieving goals and pushing myself but personal relationships I like regular. I never did drugs---- BORING, I have always had long term monogamous relationships---BORING, don't really drink---BORING, so when I found myself in someone else's crazy town mixed up confusing relationship a few months ago I thought "How the f*ck did this happen?". I knew this couple, one moved to the west coast, the other stayed here, the one who stayed became my fast friend, it felt like hot pursuit. They even put together my Ikea furniture for one has ever done that, that did not want to sleep with me. I admit I never think people are interested in me and then they take their pants off and I am like "oh this was a date?" but besides the pants thing Ikea furniture has been my other tell. They don't even have words in their instructions, just line drawings so Ikea furniture assemblage well it means something. It was a wacky summer of, do they like me? why are they always talking about sex with me? anyway time went by I finally gave in and let my heart fall for them----not my panties---just my heart. It was so intense and insane and well I was out of my comfort zone and it made my head hurt and then my heart. About a month ago we stopped speaking, it got too hard, but last night I saw the girlfriend from the west coast, by surprise, and yes "THANK YOU JESUS", I looked great, just had my roots done, a good blow out, a new shirt (no powdered sugar on it), cute wedge boots. She came over to say hello and I was unsure how this would play out. I was confident, honest and clear. She had sad eyes and looked guilty. I felt kind of like this couple invited me over to their back yard only to find out it was filled with pot holes, dirty bath tubs, and hypodermic needles and I tried to clean it up and got dirty myself. I said "I am a simple gal and want simple joy and happiness and am doing great---I don't like crazy". She said "everything is always crazy". To some people I think it is--for me, I don't want it. I am too busy, I am building an empire, caring for my mom who has had some recent health issues, trying to get healthier and stronger myself, and I am finally open again to meeting a nice person. Crazy---you can keep your crazy! I know that Jesus may not have found little ol'me and made sure I didn't have donut crumbs in my hair last night, however maybe some human angels that walk among us who said "Vicki, you work hard, you should take care of yourself" or the ones who help me stay strong during times of adversity - my friends- for those I am always thankful. Thank you for reading! xo, Vicki

Sunday, October 17, 2010

F*ck cool.....

Stop I know so shocking, I swore with a little star thing, probably has a real word for it, but again I went to art school no English required. Those four little letters always get me, ahhh COOL, I used to love cool and find cool people mysterious and aloof but the older I get and the more I get to know these people I just think of that other four letter word ......LAME. Lame, exactly I mean alright I will give you Sting, I think he was probably born cool and no matter what even during his awkward tween years he was probably still cool. So other than Sting and maybe Prince before all that symbol Bullsh*t (again with the star), cool to me is nothing to aspire too and after the age of thirty you should run from cool, Run Forest Run! An uncool fictional character who was pretty f*cking awesome if you ask me, and if you are reading this than you probably would. The single mom who works three jobs to keep food on the table is cool, the person who gives without asking to receive, Cool, the part of you that reminds you to live with dignity, self respect and honor is the cool in all of us. Wow, I have had an amazingly busy past couple of weeks so this blog entry is being brought to you by overtired no sugar coated hopped up on coffee me, my cool me. The one who sometimes trips, falls, cries, laughs, smiles, spills jelly on my shirt, dreams big, says hello, tells too much, laughs too loud ME! And according to my nephews I am the coolest of the cool so there you have it. I realized this bit of my "f*ck cool" attitude when I was comparing notes with a friend. We both liked two different people, these two other people seemed mysterious and cool, we both found our selves nervous (not a norm for either of us), we also found ourselves feeling not up to par, self aware, etc. We both shared the same ahh-ha moment, these people weren't cool or interesting they were librarians in John Lennon's clothing. They were boring and uninspired and their aloofness was because they actually had nothing to say or going on and they were too busy deciding in life what they thought was cool that they missed the whole point. The whole point being my best memories so far are the messy ones, the real ones the unexpected ones, my favorite people are the true ones, the honest ones, the solid ones. Cool is cotton candy, I want and Apple! Thank you for reading....xo, Vicki

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food Glorious Food

So, I moved back to the city four months ago...really? No way? I know I can't believe it either.
Since I was a kid I wanted to have a restaurant, when I was in the third grade I made my first Thanksgiving turkey for Thanksgiving and before that I made my dad be the cook while I put a sign on our door that said "Ferentinos Inn" when my parent's friends came over and I would run around taking orders for tuna melts and pizza bagels. This story still makes my brother crack up but fishing with paper clips for army men still seems cool in his recollection.
Any way my food story --so yes, I went to art school for industrial design, I welded functional art, furniture, etc and dropped out and worked like crazy and thought at 22 I would open a restaurant but didn't have enough money so instead I opened an art gallery with still not enough money but it seemed easier. When I hit a streak of good fortune after a long spell of bad and I made a bunch of money at 24 I thought of opening a place again but instead bought a cute lake house in Sparta, NJ. Then at 32 when I had an "early life crisis" and wanted to live my own "Eat, Pray, Love", I thought I would open a place on the lower east side in NYC with the money I made from selling my house, but no, instead I took guitar lessons, improv lessons, glassblowing lessons, a lot of f$cking lessons. I have always cooked, I do it as therapy, an income, for friends and family when I want to say I love them, am happy, sad, you get the point. I started a small catering business 8 years ago and it has been steadily growing and two nights a week I teach cooking classes and today , yes today, I was cooking at a food show and someone offered me a head chef position. So the point, I can throw down, I am confident, curious, and I have a passion for it. So why not open a place in NJ and instead move back to NYC? I don't know why but, I did it. I realized recently why. I want my own "shop around the corner", remember from "You've got mail"? I want a place on the UWS. I want a cute, old style NYC place that smells of delicious breads baking as you walk in with square marshmallows in big old fashioned glass jars on the counter. I know but you are thinking, Vicki you should be a super star! Well, I am (to my three nephews). I found my voice again, I feel confident, have some control over my life, I tumble through with the bad and am thankful for the good. So, what next, winning the lottery? maybe. First step by November 1st, I will have a fancy new web site which shows my catering like now but also my mail order retail with my tasty treats with new fancy packaging which is being designed by fancy people. Not really fancy just labels that seem like me. I am going to keep saving, looking and redefining my dream. Yes, food may seem trivial to some but to me it means love, like the memory of my grandmother teaching me to make Greek bread is forever, and the smell of garlic reminds me of my father's garlic tomato sauce that was so many years ago but makes me think of my dad when he was alive, healthy and more importantly happy. I said no thanks to the head chef position today and I think this time my dream is actually going to happen, because I have grown up a bit more lately. I embrace commitment, fortitude, boring. I have had crazy, boring seems fun!!! I am being sarcastic by saying Boring, I really mean not as fun as the spot light, the applause, the fake glitter. You know what, I just got an order to make 3000 cookies for the Food Network Food and Wine Show and I will also be at the show cooking at in the main tasting area, not too shabby. So, I guess if I do what I like, have passion, a bit of talent and work hard my dreams can become a reality and I can learn, live and laugh along the way . Thank you for reading, this was not as dramatic as normal, but as I say to my cooking students---"cooking is fun, no one ever died over a cookie, so relax".
thank you for reading.
xo, Vicki

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank you for reading my blog and more importantly telling me to write......

So, I went back to weight watchers, yay, down another 4 pounds totaling 56, yay! This week's topic was being able to ask for "what you need". I know how hard is that? I was always that kid who wore a smile and was polite while crazy stuff went on at home. I learned to put people at ease even if, by the time I was ten I would pray for someone to come and take me away, not calgon, you get the point. Sorry, every one has battle scars, the point is I learned to carry my load and sometimes other peoples and asking for help would probably be good, but wow? admit that I couldn't do everything in life all alone, balancing on one toe? What are you crazy? I am a super hero!
I sat at this meeting and a slight woman raised her hand and she said her name was Victoria and she had cancer and was battling for her life and she still came to weight watchers because she needed to keep some of her normal routine. She started to cry and say that she started to call people in her family, even the ones she didn't get along with to ask for help and start telling them what she needed. She was upset because she felt alone and her husband tries to help but she doesn't understand why everyone doesn't. WOW?? A light bulb went off in my head and I shared too. "Victoria, you are doing great, your name alone means Victory, believe me I should know, the older I get the more I realize you only get a small life boat of people who are on your team. There are a few people who will always be there, a family member, a parent, a best friend, but the other couple spots are sometimes being changed, maybe with a friend you know for a short period of time, or a stranger who makes eye contact with you and knows without even asking you need them to carry your falling bag. So don't feel alone, even in this room I know there are women who would help you, whenever you need it. The people you see who seem like they have a giant yacht filled with people, well that is all smoke and mirrors, they spend more energy than you have to keep that going. Focus on you and your small life boat will be there for you just ask." I can get preachy sometimes, and I know everything we say in life is really for ourselves and if it helps someone else at the same time all the better. As I left the meeting I saw Victoria, and I hugged her and told her she was doing great. She hugged me back and told me I was too. Tears weld up in my eyes as I walked away because I guess for that minute Victoria was in my life boat and I needed to hear that too. I am doing great. I had hit a speed bump for a second but now I am right back on track. As Rocky Balboa says---"It's not how many times you get knocked out that count, it's how many times you get back up."
So, watch out, I'm getting back up, because I too have a hell of a small life boat and I am thankful for them!!!
Thanks for reading! and thanks for telling me to write more (you are on my small life boat).
xo, Vicki

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's been almost 6 months? so much and so little.

Wow, I can not believe that almost six months have past since I wrote on this blog, not sure if anyone is reading it but some times some of my favorite people in the world remind me to write so for you, I write. Let's see the highlights I moved back to NYC, lost 64 pounds, opened my heart up to the possibility of love, I proclaimed sexual desires to a someone and scared both of us (they were very kind in an awkward situation), I bought the smallest pants I have in ten years, I found my voice and stood up to some bullies in my life.....Now the downside, I had my heart crushed, I gained back 12 pounds recently after eating pancakes ( more than a few times but heading back to Weight Watchers Wednesday to reach my goal), dealing with a mom who is not in the best health and I am being her voice, advocate and sometimes a misunderstanding daughter. That was the cliff notes now the meat of it.
I found my voice, my vagina, my courage, my fear, and I know a bit more but feel like I know less perhaps. I acknowledged a part of me I only recently realized after finding my sexuality again....I may like ladies, I say may because I have yet to test out my theory. I have tried and failed, turns out women are even more confusing than men and not everyone can clearly express their truth like I can (and this is nothing I am overly proud of I literally can't help my mouth). My ego left me years ago and admitting how I feel for the good or bad only has made me stronger but not everybody else is honest, forth right, clear. I hate that. The other day I was in the doctors office with my mom and an elderly man in his 80's came in as I waited for my mother's appointment to be done and this gentleman and I chatted. He told me I had a "knowing eye" and he then explained that he watched me make clear judgments of everyone that walked in the room with my eye movements and that not everyone can shoot from their gut and that is a gift. He also said it is probably because I have been around the block a few times and no one can con me. I agreed but I also said well no one but myself. So my gut instinct has brought me success, failure, heartbreak, love, insight, pure joy and a whole lot of life. The thing is I don't smoke, drink and have never done any drugs so pancakes seem to be my salvation and for the last year I gave them up and rolled with it, lost weight, paid off my debt, spoke up, and made adult choices (ahhh that sucks sometimes).
Several months ago someone drove through my mom's living room while I was watching tv with her in the next room, yes this is not a misprint, the 80 yr old driver stepped on the gas not the brake and flew through her living room window and landed in the fire place. It was the loudest sound I ever heard - like if you broke a bottle in your head. I thought the world was being folded inward and my mom panicked and I (being a child who grew up having to bob and weave) do great in emergencies so I had my mom call 911 while I chatted with the driver who was remarkably fine. Three weeks later I moved out, and two weeks after my mom moved in with my brother and his family and she has been deteriorating from post traumatic stress or something else (we will know more this week) ever since. If you have never read my blog, I was a visual arts major not an English major so run on sentences and poor punctuation, well a given. As of very late things have gotten confusing, for everyone. I have one brother who is great, two years older, married with three sons, etc always the athlete, the accountant, the practical, responsible, follow the directions type of guy who can handle life in a mostly non emotional way. I, on the other hand, have always been the march to the beat of my own drum, question authority, my mother's date and shoulder since the age of twelve, always been self employed successfully and unsuccessfully, fearless when it gets down to it. I may wear Talbots and not have tatoos (well a few but no one would know that) but I would throw down in a heart beat for the people I love in my life or for something I believe in with out caution, which is probably why my mom has of late relied on me to speak up for her and do what I think is best when she is not quite sure of what that is.
The other day I found myself giving my mom a speech from the movie Fightclub, telling her she still had fight in her and that she needs to be Brad Pitt and the truth is I was telling myself this. Recently I fell for someone, I did, someone who has a complicated situation and is basically unavailable and being the "righteous" gal that I am I never let any line get crossed except in my heart. I hate that, I grew up in a house where crazy stuff happened and yet I knew because my mom was a highly moral rock "to be honorable, respectable always to yourself", never allow anyone to make you less you because at the end of the day it is you who has to look you in the eye. AHHH, I know so boring, I see those people who are binge drinking, and being trashy and the life of the party and having fun and I am home, alone, googling recipes for blood orange marmalade. So, there is that, my mom's health, my up and down catering business, my sometime comedy performing, my pancakes, just threw them away, my crushed heart...wah, wah, wah. I know even typing this makes me mad at me. I am a single woman who is open to great love (turns out could be anyone), I love my family, I pray for my mom to get better, I have been writing this book about the last five years of my life (my own Eat-pray-love), mine took longer, but the five years end in about a month and who knows how this book is going to end (literally), I know that the truth sets you free but being honest with yourself sometimes feels shitty. My honest truth: sometimes I feel sad, happy, ecstatic, lonely, sexy, beautiful, fat days, mean, angry, frustrated, empowered, hopeful, fearless, successful, like a total f@ck up, a good daughter, a good friend, a crappy daughter, a crappy friend, like a super hero, in need of a hero, and once in a while nothing at all. I always followed the road less traveled which has been good and at times much less than good. I always feel like I take three steps forward and two steps back, lately I am getting over taking any steps back because even now my moms words are right "not everyone has to like me"-----except me and I have a hell of a lot of fight still in me-thanks Brad Pitt! xo, thank you for reading, Vicki

Friday, March 26, 2010

so I almost found I found it.

Their was that entangle thing that you have or I had, I remember having it and being it and then I am not sure when I lost it or where it went or how it happened but all of a sudden it was gone. I know Justin Timberlake tried to bring it back a few years ago for me well for everyone but it didn't work until recently. Recently I noticed, sometimes it takes your reflection in someone else's eyes to remember who you are, and I appreciate that I finally saw it. It's spring time, I have lost 42 pounds, paid off my debt (officially done today) and I feel vital and dare say it Sexy, yay I am "I'm jingl'n baby". I know I am still a work in progress but I am headed in the right direction and finally really open to anything great that comes my way. It is weird when your life tweaks a tiny bit and you see things with a tad more confidence the dirt falls away and the sparkle shines a bit brighter. I am not saying I don't have a million insecurities but the fact is they are not even the first, second, or third thing that comes to my mind. I have worked hard these last couple years to find me again to strip myself of the crap that life itself had piled on. I am thankful and excited for the first time in a long time....about me. Thanks for reading! xo, Vicki

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This is for you Hawaii.......

I know that at least 1-4+ people read this blog and I have been very bad at updating it lately so thanks to my friend Kea from Hawaii for demanding some more blog accountability. I imagined returning with an amazing story of travel and mystery but just woke up in the middle of the night to a crash sound and the power going out. I never get too panicked with emergency situations, I immediately grabbed my cell phone and a pen that I decided I would use as a weapon, of course, should a home invasion be in progress. The fact was my cats caused the crash and the power went out for a half an hour. I just put the pen down and laughed at myself. I like to wear dresses and as my friend Cathie B once said "The higher the heel the closer to heaven" but I also like to think that I am not afraid. I was always up for scuba diving, or para sailing but I admit a few years ago having to have a guy I was with stop a carnival ride (the Tea-cups) to be exact because I thought I was going to puke. I held it together but what changed was it fear, age, or wisdom? Maybe none of it, if push came to shove I would stand and fight for the right thing (I like to think), I can use power tools and feel self sufficient and not needy, I also now wear socks and coats in the winter and feel that that makes me smarter not less of a rebel so the point may be -don't write blogs in the middle of the night- No the point is smarter is braver. What?
I did Lady Bug Warrior show the other night in NYC, for the first time since Scotland, and the supportive audience that came was filled with some of my favorite peeps and I did a different show than before, not completely, but I didn't wear the capes or costumes, I wore a red dress and told my story in more details- the highs and the lows of life so far and it felt braver. It felt honest to the person I am right now. That's just it I feel like something has consciously changed in me- I think change is the wrong word, I feel more like me, a healthier more confident me. It feels good and yes I am knocking on wood to not jinx it all, but the truth is I feel like maybe this more confident gal isn't drawn to the glitter (fluff bologna) much any more but instead seeing a zero credit card balance is time for "hi-fives" and knowing I have a little savings and choosing to talk out my issues and have an apple rather than making funnel cake at two in the morning feels stronger. Not to get too deep, because I almost attacked my cats with a pen remember, but I believe the whole law of attraction thing and I think the words we use, and the actions we take dictate what is to come. Like when I first started writing Lady Bug Warrior- I spelled out where I was going not where I was honestly, when I wrote it and even performed it in the past my weight, my money situation, my plans were out of control but I knew the core of me the truth of me and what I needed to remind myself to be---to be my own "super hero" and this last year I have slowly but surely made steps to get to that place that believes it---IS it! This time I wore a red dress next time maybe sequins. Thank you for reading..I am going back to sleep.
PS thanks Kea!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

performing, living, trusting your smaller gut....

So, since my last blog was about cats I had to go into hiding for two weeks from the backlash, my own I mean. Not true. So, I reached it, that point that feels even, like, not lonely, not overly delusional, not forcing conversations, not bull shitting myself, but still hopeful, optimistic, expecting the best----me. I found me, again, for the tenth time, I know you are thinking how lost could you get? Well, let's see to tally it up in for the good side...I am 28 pounds lighter than I was this time last year...ah the flashback of crying on a train platform waiting to head back to the city after I weighed myself not realizing my arse had exploded and begging a friend to call me the next morning to make me go to the gym...oh what a year. Wow, my debt was also a bit embarrassing and now down to a respectable figure that will be finished off soon. Said the unspoken goodbye to some friends, who's weight added to my hips more than either of us knew. I said hello to the possibility of like if not love again...funny things happen when you start to get your shape back....I realized yep I am in fact a hot least a luke warm one. What else I decided I would only perform for fun and or money... yes that means I am doing it less but it also means I love it more. I have embraced the fact I love to cook, bake, teach, create, and am actively looking for a cafe space to lease or buy in NJ...if you see an empty space please let me know..the criteria--does not have to look attractive, I am crafty and have a vision, it also has to feel safe enough that no one will throw a brick threw the window (I've looked at a couple of real winners). For the down side (the facts of life theme song is playing in my head) I have been surprised by some relationships I had in my life, the ones I met through performing I get some of them being not dependable because a group of people looking for reinforcement all fighting for scraps that don't even exist could make anyone lose their basic social skills and a bit of humanity (no I don't really get it but I accept it). Some old friends have returned and others have taken different shapes I don't recognize like ....I have to stop here I hate the bitter stuff it doesn't really fit. The point I am trusting my smaller gut and it seems to be working out fine.....I have faith that it will all work out the best way it is supposed to even if in the middle of it feels like as shitstorm of silly.....I will just turn up that Wilson Phillip's song and Hold on for One more day. Thanks for reading. xo, Vicki

Thursday, January 7, 2010

my truth about cats and......cats

I know, I know...I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did so I can't fight it any longer. I'm saying it, duh duh duh, I have cats. I know the stigma of being a single women in her thirties with more that one cat, more like 2.5 (one is very small so I rounded down), alright 3 cats, I said it, I am living in the now and I have three cats. I don't have any cat sweaters, figurines, hopefully my home has never smelled like cats, oh why all the shame? Enough with the shame, as my Birthday approaches I realize I may have said my last "sorry", like sorry I don't have a house, sorry my 401k is really 401 cleaner, sorry I couldn't, and sorry that you bumped in to me, and sorry I have cats. Done, I'm done with apologizing for adopting these furry friends who needed homes (one 13 yrs ago and the other 2 seven). Some reason when I lived with my ex boyfriend I never explained why we had three cats because having a penis in the picture some how took away the shame. Wouldn't that be funny if that were true for everything, like well oh my cell phone bill is late? well did I show you the penis? or oh my credit card is declined, that can't be true , did you see the? you get the point. I have been thinking about this a lot lately because maybe in the last two weeks I spent $1000 on my cats, one has diabetes and the other two were way past due for everything and I figure as long as I was taking care of all of my real sh#t in life I should take care of them too. I may even figure how to attach a photo to this blog (my first ever) and it will be a cat I may do that( I did it the tiny cat is Sylvia, the giant Pablo-Nigel not currently represented-could not get him to sign a release). The longer I live the more I realize that giving love to any living creature human, furry, yourself should give you the opposite of shame which is pride. SO here goes I say with pride...."I love myself, my creative, intelligent, sexy, glorious self. I love my supportive mother (who sometimes needs to be reconfigured to sound as supportive as she means to be), my brother Charles who is descent and just plain good, my sister -in-law Jonelle who shows up, my nephews Jack, Will and Ben who love my crazy self and are magical sprites in this world, and my three cats Sylvia, Pablo and Nigel who take up most of my bed and know when I am sad. I am thankful for my friends who have been there and the new ones I meet everyday, not every friend is there for the whole bus ride and some pop back into your life when you least expect it to remind us that real connections have been made in this life time no matter how short lived or brief. I love and am loved! Never apologize, never doubt. I have Cats!!" Thanks for reading. xo, Vicki

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Rose, run with the bulls".......

remember when Leonardo said that in Titanic, that she had a fire in her eyes, you remember? Lately, I have been giving myself a little bit of a hard time to pick one thing, to make my life make sense on paper and frankly it gives me palpitations, then why do it you ask? Well it is a new decade, I am almost another year older and as usual things tend to slow up in the beginning of January and so as they say "idle hands are the devil's tools", so true. My nephew Jack asked me recently about performing, cooking, my general existence. Nothing gets more real than when you have to explain your life to an eight year old, so I said it....."Jack, some people have one thing and that is what satisfies them and I am not like that, I like to be creative and I like to say yes to any opportunities that feels right in my heart so I may never be one thing except well I will always be your aunt (awwww) and yes you probably will have an uncle one day." I couldn't go on about finding a right one not just anyone, even I have my limits for exploring my whole life in one discussion. You may know this and this is a bit of a ramble so bear with me, so far in my life I thought I was going to go to med school but instead went to art school, dropped out, owned an art gallery, turned into a wholesale glassware business, worked 15 different part time jobs, made stuff for tv set design, owned a little house, had a jam chutney business, started a little catering business,co-wrote a screen play and produced it, sold everything, moved to nyc, learned to blow glass, play guitar (sort of), studied improv comedy, started doing stand-up (love it), grew catering business (NYC+NJ), wrote and performed one person show "lady bug warrior", went to Scotland, moved back to NJ in order to afford to go to Scotland, started teaching weekly cooking classes (love it), still catering and performing, thinking about opening cafe in NJ which I would also still perform, maybe have shows at and teach at..that is some of the stuff so far and to think I am only 24, wow. Being an adult child of an alcoholic I always think "wow, is all of this because I have commitment issues?", NO, my brother is an accountant and has been since graduating college, he is married (only one wife), has a home, mini van and three great sons. He is also an adult child of an alcoholic and his life is pretty committed. I am creative and I have multiple talents, goals, etc, so I am never going to be one thing. Like my current "to do list" says- find a cute cafe with apartment above to live, write a funny/cooking/life book, date, get married (not to everyone I date but at least one of them), be a mom, have a tv show, travel more (like Spain), do great things for this world in secret (I love that - like sending people who need things- stuff anonymously - it makes me feel like than people don't have to waste their energy on thanks and can just pay it forward- like magic), grow my own food- I think the whole food chain where it travels 3000 miles and uses barrels of gas to get to me probably wipes out the vitamin c effect I feel (this is a little more long term), go be as healthy as I can with out wearing sweat suits as clothing but actually using them to sweat in. I think that is good for now. I am not a big fan of "resolution lists", I like to call them "to do lists" because the words "to do" seem more encouraging then resolute. Thanks for reading and hearing me out, I think everyone's life is a journey and some of you have been on this part already, are in it, have yet to know it or are just on a different trip all together regardless, have the best of everything and happy new decade!! Remember when people were stockpiling canned food for Y2K, oh we are sure silly sometimes. xo, Vicki